The practice of using computers initiates the emergence of a new generation of computer technology, which, in turn, allows to improve the quality of training, create new means of educational impact, effectively interact with computers, To develop the information competence of teachers and trainees.

The introduction of computer technology in education can be seen as the beginning of a revolutionary transformation of traditional teaching methods and technologies and the whole branch of education. Communication technologies play an essential role in this phase: telephone, and television, mainly used in learning management in distance learning systems.

Modern computer technology in training aims to achieve the objectives of informatization of education using a set of functionally dependent pedagogical, informational, methodological, psychophysiological, and ergonomic means and methods.

Within the framework of this project, we have successfully carried out the following works:

  • Improving the quality of education through the next generation of computers
  • Improving the information skills of teachers and pupils
  • Informatization of education
  • Effective interaction with computing
  • Increased equipment life cycle due to a transparent cooling system